Naysayers, Im astonished. Well, this game is as fun as it can be. Get yourselves an iPad. Phones are just too small for all the graphics. This game gem is smooth, original, and extremely clever. I enjoyed the humorous gags throughout. No glitching or problems whatsoever on my older iPad with latest version of iOS. I enjoyed replaying most of the levels several times, as I was determined to find all the hidden memories I could. A couple of levels are rather convoluted; I dont have the patience to replay them multiple times, and I dont want to watch a walkthrough for help. Perhaps if a player could stop, then later, jump back in where the game left off... I, too, am eager for additional levels. As I imagine a game with such smooth, gorgeous graphics and a genuine story line takes time to develop, Im willing to hang in there without complaints. Kind of like waiting for ones birthday, right? Suspense and anticipation are good things!
duidance about Love You To Bits